Shouldn't Be Read online

Page 2

  She closed her eyes as his honeyed voice dripped over her senses. Her clenched stomach muscles finally released, and a million butterflies escaped.

  “Are your panties wet now? Because I want to lick them too.”

  This time when he spoke, he reached out to lightly stroke the back of her hand. His skin was rough with calluses, from the strings of the guitar. It felt coarse against her soft skin, and all she could think about was those fingers on her nipples. They were hard immediately, and she quivered as goose bumps covered her arms.

  “Let’s go somewhere private, pretty Lyn, so I can kiss you.” His lips encountered the bare flesh of her shoulder, and he left several kisses there. “You smell like pomegranate.”

  “It’s my favorite,” she admitted. “I’m surprised you could identify it.”

  “I love pomegranates. They’re probably my favorite fruit.” He arched an eyebrow; proud he could surprise her.

  “They’re hard to eat, though,” she said with a shrug.

  “But worth the effort.” He smiled, and his fingertips moved up and down her arm.

  Mandy was still chatting with the guy beside her. What if she stood up and walked toward the bathroom. Would he follow? She’d made out with guys in bathrooms plenty of times. What would one more hurt?

  She turned her head toward him, and encountered the most emotion she’d ever seen in any man’s eyes. What exactly did this man want from her? The expression on his face said he could devour her, and it turned her on.

  “I’m going to go find the ladies’ room.” She said it as a challenge. She stood up then, and walked toward the restrooms. Her hips swayed back and forth when she walked, and her hair bounced around her shoulders. And when she was half way to her destination, she turned back to him. “Coming?” She mouthed the word.

  He watched the door close behind her, finished his drink, and then stood up. He had to shove at his crotch, because his rock hard cock was twisted the wrong way. Oh, he was definitely coming.

  * * *

  She stared at herself in the mirror for several moments as she waited. She wasn’t twenty anymore. She had a boyfriend. She was a lawyer for God’s sake. She heard the door open, and close quietly. Then she heard the lock click into place. A few seconds later and his rough hands were on her shoulders, pulling her back against him.

  “Are you too drunk for this?” His words trailed over the back of her neck.

  “No, I’m not drunk,” she replied, although at that point she almost wished she was. It would explain why she was doing this. She watched him in the mirror. He wasn’t real, she concluded. He looked like a male model, played guitar like a rock star, and had the voice of an angel.

  “Can I kiss you, Lyn?” He moved her hair out of the way, and rubbed his lips against her neck.

  She felt as if she’d never been touched before. The electric shocks she felt when he caressed her were a completely new experience. Her nipples were even harder, so hard it almost hurt. His hands moved gently up and down her arms, and the hairs there stood on end. “Yes, please.” It was a moan, a sigh, a prayer.

  “Turn round,” he ordered. As she did, her rear came into contact with his front. “Shit,” he exclaimed as he felt himself growing harder still. “Wait,” he murmured. “Stay there.” He grabbed her hips and pulled her soft bottom against his engorged member.

  She exhaled loudly when she felt how big it was.

  “You like that?” He asked as his lips trailed over her neck. She nodded and closed her eyes. “Touch it.”

  She didn’t know if it was a dare, or a request. She did it though. She reached around and grabbed the front of his jeans, feeling its size. Everything about him was unreal. Normal guys just weren’t that big. He was huge.

  He groaned when he felt her rubbing his most sensitive area. All he could think of at that moment was getting it out in the open to touch her lovely skin. “Turn around, let me kiss you.”

  She finally did as he asked. Her hands found his shoulders, which weren’t that wide but were hard and sturdy. He waited for a moment, until she opened her eyes and looked up at him.

  “I swear, I’ve never seen anyone like you,” he said as he leaned toward her. Their lips touched, and pressed. His hands found her hair, and drew her in closer still. Her breasts molded against his chest. He moaned deep in his throat as his tongue escaped to taste her gloss. It was cotton candy. He sucked her bottom lip into his mouth, savoring the flavor as he did.

  Her hands moved down his firm chest, over a stomach that was far too flat, then back to explore the girth between his legs. He fumbled to extricate his fingers from her flowing locks, and wasn’t any more nimble when he tried to unbutton his fly. When it was open, and his cock sprung out of its prison, his tongue invaded her mouth.

  It was so big, and so wet. She knew he was extremely turned on; by her. He had been drinking too. Didn’t that make it harder for a guy to get an erection? All she knew was it took both hands to handle his manhood. She rubbed the head between the heels of her hands, feeling it getting slicker as she did.

  “Fuck, you’re going to make me cum,” he groaned. She’d only fondled him for about a minute, and he felt his balls tightening. She made him feel like a teenager, like he had no control over his own reactions. “Wait,” he sighed, and took a step away. “I need a minute.”

  She couldn’t stop herself from looking at it. The head was huge, nearly the size of her fist, and it was as pink as his lips. Her eyes grew wide as she glanced up from it to find his gaze. His cheeks were red. He was embarrassed, but by what, she didn’t know. He had absolutely nothing to be embarrassed about.

  They suddenly heard a knock. “Shit,” he said, and took a second to look around. He just about came in a dirty bathroom, with a girl he barely knew, after he’d only kissed her and she’d just barely touched his cock. What the fuck was happening to him? “I’m sorry,” he said as he tucked himself back in his pants. “This is…”

  “I know,” she murmured. Her cheeks felt hot then; she was blushing too. What was she thinking? That a guy like him was so taken with her that he was about to… To what? Have sex with her in the bathroom of a bar?

  “Wait,” he said as he stopped what he was doing. He reached out to touch her hand, and just that simple movement made his cock jerk again. “I don’t want to do this here.”

  The knock came again. “Hey, girlfriend, are you in there?” It was Mandy.

  She turned to make sure he was decent, and shook her head quickly. “Yes, hold on,” she called out. “Don’t tell anyone about this,” she insisted hurriedly. She reached out to unlock the door.

  “Let’s go to a hotel,” he offered. “I don’t want this to stop. I’m so hard for you I’d do anything.” She was against the door then, and his lips were on her neck right under her ear. “I want you so bad. I don’t think you understand.” He ground himself against her ass, hoping to get a small amount of relief.

  Mandy knocked louder. “What are you doing in there?” She said it with a giggle, as if she already knew.

  “Please, come to a hotel with me. I want to make love to you over and over.” She felt guilty all of a sudden as she pulled the lock and opened the door.

  Mandy’s keen brown eyes took in the scene quickly. He jumped away from Kaitlyn. Her white cheeks were flushed, and her lipstick was gone. Mandy could see remnants of it on his lips. “You both look like teenagers caught by your parents giving a goodnight kiss.”

  “I, um…” Ruben began, but had no idea what to say to the two girls staring at him.

  “Yea, we were kissing. So what?” Kaitlyn’s voice went up several octaves when she spoke. “It’s not like we’ve never done it before.” She glanced from Ben to Mandy.

  “Well I know we’ve done it before,” Mandy laughed it off. But she saw something in the guy’s eyes, a deep yearning that shocked her. “Should I leave you two alone?”

  “No,” Kaitlyn said immediately, just as Ruben said, “Yes.”

itlyn couldn’t get away from him fast enough. But he caught up to her immediately. “We can go anywhere you want. We can go back to your place if you’d feel more comfortable.” She looked horrified at the thought. “Or I can drive you back to your place and we can talk in the car.” She didn’t react any better to that idea. “I’ll share a cab with you. We won’t have to be alone. Just…”

  “I have to work tomorrow,” Kaitlyn said hurriedly.

  “Where do you work?” He wondered aloud, anything to get her talking.

  She glanced behind him to Mandy. “Papa’s Italian Ristorante,” she lied easily. Mandy looked slightly amused.

  “Okay,” he exhaled. “I’ll be here tomorrow night. We have another set. Will you come? Please say you’ll be here too.”

  She fleetingly thought of Alex. She looked at Mandy, who nodded excitedly. “I don’t know.”

  “I’d like to see you here, if you want to come.” He had no idea why in the hell he just kept talking. But he meant every word of it.

  “We’ll see,” she said. She walked toward the entrance, and he followed along with her. Luckily they were on Main Street, and several cabs drove past. She raised her hand and one stopped.

  Before she could open the door, he grabbed her hand and refused to let go. “Here, tomorrow?” He asked again hopefully.

  “Sure,” she nodded. He opened the door to the cab, and kissed her quickly before she climbed in, then closed the door for her. He waved as the cab drove away, but she didn’t turn around to look back.

  Chapter Three

  Kaitlyn woke up in plenty of time for work. She had no idea how, because she was awake half the night. Her brain raced, her thoughts spinning around inside her head. She went from guilt, to excitement, to fear, and back again over and over. She had a headache, but it had nothing to do with a hangover.

  She took a few aspirins and a nice warm shower, and the pain faded eventually. After she was at the office for an hour, she received a text from Alex. He apologized for not responding to her text the evening before, but he fell asleep studying. She felt horrible after reading it, thinking of the guy she met at the bar.

  But when she thought of Ben, her whole body tingled. She needed to forget about him. She wouldn’t go to the bar again that evening, plain and simple. Maybe Alex would be free, and they could go out to dinner, or possibly have a nice evening in. She sent a text to Alex, asking if he was free.

  During her lunch break she got a call from Mandy. She let it ring twice, trying to decide if she wanted to answer. But some masochistic desire to talk about what happened the evening before forced her to answer.

  “Kaity, baby. Are we going out this evening?” Mandy immediately asked.

  “I don’t know,” she said to avoid declining.

  “That guitar player, what was his name?” Mandy forgot she had an inside voice, and screamed into the phone.

  “I don’t remember,” Kaitlyn lied smoothly.

  “Ben,” Mandy provided for her friend. “Tell me you don’t want to see him again.”

  “I don’t want to see him again,” Kaitlyn lied again.

  “He is so fucking hot,” Mandy continued. “And the singer was an awesome kisser. I’m seeing him again tonight. You have to come too.”

  “Mandy, I have a boyfriend,” Kaitlyn reminded her friend.

  “Oh, please? You’re the best wingman ever.” Her friend pouted. Kaitlyn could imagine her full bottom lip protruding. “Ben was totally hot.”

  “If Alex is busy I’ll think about it,” Kaitlyn evaded again. But she was already planning what she might wear for her evening out.

  “Oh, thank God,” Mandy exclaimed a little too dramatically. “Why don’t you stop by my place and we can fix each other’s hair?”

  “I said maybe, Mandy,” Kaitlyn reminded her, but she was smiling when she said it.

  “Okay, I’ll see you at my place around seven,” Mandy said as she hung up.

  Alex didn’t answer her text until she was ready to leave work. She frowned as she read it. Sorry honey, I have to study again this evening. I’ll see you tomorrow, I promise.

  She shrugged it off, and climbed into her brand new BMW. At least as a lawyer she could afford nice things, she told herself, even if she did have to work ridiculous hours for them.

  * * *

  They arrived at the bar together as the band was setting up. She let Mandy drive her car because she wouldn’t shut up about it. She had the radio turned up full blast on some hip hop song when they pulled into the parking lot.

  Ben couldn’t help but stare when the expensive car pulled up next to his old pick-up truck. He’d bought it just to haul the band’s equipment around, and to keep up his appearance of being a struggling musician. “Nice car,” he said as Mandy and Kaitlyn exited it.

  “It’s…” Mandy started.

  “Her dad’s new car,” Kaitlyn quickly interrupted her. Mandy was handing the keys to Kaitlyn, but stopped immediately when she said it.

  “Yep, hot car, isn’t it?” She said as she kicked the tire. Kaitlyn frowned at her.

  “That’s worth like, what… sixty thousand dollars?” Ruben said as he walked toward them.

  “Who knows,” Mandy shrugged, as she walked toward Bobby.

  “I’m glad you came, Lyn.” Ruben’s smile said a lot. His hazel eyes practically glittered with happiness. “You look fantastic, by the way.” His eyes swept up and down her body at least twice.

  She didn’t want to admit that she tried to look good for him. She wore a short plaid skirt with a black long sleeve shirt that clung to her body, knee socks, and black Mary Jane patent leather shoes. Her red hair hung in two braids down either side of her face, and she wore soft pink lipstick and blush. She knew she looked even younger than she did the evening before, but she didn’t care. Either it would turn him off, or turn him on even more. By the way he was acting, she thought perhaps he liked it.

  He wanted to walk over and grab her to pull her against him, but she didn’t seem to be open to that. And frankly, she looked so good she intimidated him.

  “Hey, Mandy, I’m going inside,” she yelled over to her friend.

  Mandy waved, and parked herself on the hood of Ben’s truck. “Come sit with me for a minute.”

  Kaitlyn gazed hesitantly from Ben to Mandy, sighed loudly, and joined her friend.

  Ruben couldn’t take his eyes off Lyn’s legs as he carried gear into the bar. Her thighs were so creamy and smooth, not muscled, but not big either. Everything about her was the perfect size. He nearly fell when he tripped over a pothole, and he groaned as his face became enflamed.

  Kaitlyn talked to Mandy, and tried to act like she wasn’t paying attention to Ben, but she noticed everything he did out of the corner of her eye. He threw the speakers around like they weighed nothing. He was so strong, she remembered from the evening before. She felt that feeling in the pit of her stomach again. Damn it, why did she agree to come with Mandy?

  “We’re ready to go inside,” Ruben said as he approached the girls. He put his hands up to assist Lyn off the truck. Somehow he ended up with his hands under her arms, and he picked her up off the hood and slid her down onto the ground. He felt her full breasts against his chest, and her pubic area against his through the thin cotton skirt. He shivered at the sensations she caused inside him. He was immediately hard.

  She looked up at him when he sat her down. His eyes were so dark with emotion that it almost scared her. She couldn’t help but feel his huge erection against her body again. He bent down to kiss her, but Tommy interrupted them.

  “We’re set up,” he called out.

  Disappointed, he let her go and hurried inside.

  * * *

  Her body drove him mad as he played. She danced not five feet in front of him. He could tell she was trying to entice him, and he was so hard it hurt. He’d spent the entire day in the same state of arousal, which was awkward when he played in a charity golf tournament with his dad, and his dad’s partner
and his son. Golf with an erection was probably in the top twenty of the most uncomfortable things ever.

  Watching her now, he knew he’d be hard until he got inside her. He needed to fuck her to get her out of his system. He just had to convince her.

  “Are you trying to turn him on?” Ray wondered when she took a break to get a drink. “Because I won’t lie, it’s working on me.”

  Kaitlyn rolled her eyes at him, and took a big swig of jack and coke. “Don’t lecture me on drinking too much tonight. I don’t have to work tomorrow,” she countered, with a devilish look in her eyes. It didn’t matter that her car was in the parking lot. She’d take a cab home if she needed to.

  “I won’t complain,” he said as he backed away, with his hands open at chest level in surrender.

  “Can you get Ben a drink too?” she said as she placed money on the bar.

  “Anything for you, sweetheart,” he said, as he motioned toward the waitress.

  She returned to dancing, which physically hurt Ruben. He couldn’t wait until the set was over. He had to get her in the bathroom, or in his truck, or anywhere to get her alone.

  * * *

  “Stop buying me drinks,” Ruben said with a grin as he joined her at a table in the back.

  “You looked thirsty,” she said with a shrug.

  “Are you sure it wasn’t horny?” he asked, as he grabbed one of her braids.

  She should have been embarrassed, or shocked, but she was more turned on than anything. “I don’t know, was it?” she asked, and licked her bottom lip.

  “What do you taste like tonight, sexy?” He fixed his gaze on her mouth. “Is the pink lip gloss cotton candy too?”

  She licked her top lip, thought for a moment, and said, “Watermelon.”

  “Even better,” he grinned. “When do I get to taste you?” What was it about this girl that made him say such things? He wasn’t normally this type of guy. Sure, he’d seduced women before, but he was never this forward, this dirty.